my photographs and random thoughts

canon eos 3

a walk in the park


early december 2012.

i have a very favorite park in boston. it’s not the public gardens or the boston common. it is very small park. it is in post office square and it is quiet, serene, pretty and always uplifting. it reminds me a bit of new york’s central park, though far smaller  — right in the middle of everything, yet a break from it all. i took my holga there (and my canon eos 3) and took a few shots. walk with me if you like! the first is on the way and the rest are within the park itself:





most shots taken with my holga 120n, kodak 400 t max. the last is from my canon eos 3, 50mm f1.4, ektar 100.

a saturday at salem willows, memories and cats

carl and i don’t go to salem willows enough. and that’s been changing recently. while the harbor is right across the street from my house, the willows is a very special place.

i am always drawn to the sea — it’s why i live where i do and it is always something i am aware of. at one time, long before i met my love, i thought about moving closer to my dear sister, kathy, but i just couldn’t make the change — she is only about 45 minutes from the ocean, but it just felt like i was losing a part of myself. the smell, the sound, its beauty — i couldn’t leave it.

a long time ago, when i lived in lynn (lynn lynn city of sin, you never come out the way you went in), right by kings’s beach, i could also see the water from my window and, i loved walking this huge beach with my dear cairn terrier, sidney and then her little baby, my precious emrys! i was always very sad for them when summer would come because no dogs were allowed on the beach. but as soon as we were able, off we went, them running around like crazy-happy pups and me, basking in their joy!

we also would take vacations in provincetown, which, for those who are not familiar with cape cod, is right on the very tip of the cape — it’s beaches are stunning and it is particularly stellar in the winter. so bleak. so pale. so gorgeous. and, in the summer, my dogs would swim like they were huge water dogs–particularly sidney–and then flop on the blankets and soak up the sun. ooooo to be a dog!!!!

in those days i had two cameras: my minolta srt201 and my polaroid one step! i can see, in my minds eye, some of those moments we shared! i will, at some time, post some of those old shots!!!

but on with salem willows–a place that still has that honky tonk feel (in miniature) but, at one time, was a real amusement park! my mother told me that my great uncles would load up the huge clan and take them all for the long drive (then) from west medford to salem. she loved it and has wonderful memories of her family and all the fun they had! and i have some of those old photos too–from their trips to salem willows, kings beach and other beaches in our area. i have one with my great aunt bertha, my mother and some of my aunts (all young girls) at kings beach with my great aunt’s model t (i think) in the background!

so here, at last, are some more shots from last saturday, 10 november 2012!!!

and cats, dear annie and parker. oona is a hard one to pin down!

you probably notice that i have taken more than one shot of that little turquoise house! it is one of my favorite little things in the world! such a silly little thing!!!